Our family had the honor of attending, and I was able to speak, at the Arley Civitan Club Military Appreciation Dinner in Double Springs. I was amazed at the number of veterans in attendance, including at least one from WWII.
There was a display of Alabama’s fallen heroes since 9/11. There have been 98 Alabamians killed in hostile action since 9/11, but their display has a total of 158 servicemen and women. They include those killed while serving, even if it wasn’t in hostile action. Included in this list are two who were working at the Pentagon when the plane hit.
We met the parents of a young Marine who lost part of his leg from an IED last year.
We are grateful we were invited to attend and for the tremendous support for the military from people like these groups. One man from the Blue Star Salute Foundation told me when he returned from his second tour in Viet Nam, he was asked not to wear his uniform home because of the reaction from the public. He said his group will do all they can so this never happens again.