We were notified a few months ago that CrossFit gyms all across the country were honoring Mark by doing the JAG 28 Hero Workout of the Day (WOD). It was first adopted by CrossFit Havoc in Lawton, OK, then later in Iowa, Oregon, and then by CrossFit.com, followed by other affiliate gyms across the nation, including Tuscaloosa (workout was on July 3, 2012) and Fayetteville, NC (workout was July 21, 2012). The origins of the JAG 28 workout for CrossFit Havoc (Lawton, OK) are thanks to Jason Stanley, who was a friend of Mark’s in college. They spent many hours in the gym together. He was also deployed during the same time period Mark was.
Here is the workout:
“JAG 28”
For time:
Run 800 meters
28 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
28 Strict Pull-ups (no kipping)
28 Kettlebell clean and jerk, 2 pood each
28 Strict Pull-ups (no kipping)
Run 800 meters
The video below was taken by CrossFit Pleasanton, CA.
CrossFit posted JAG 28 on May 13, 2012. Click HERE to view.
The below pictures were taken at the Springfield, OR CrossFit. We appreciate all these gyms honoring Mark with the JAG 28, and the many more Hero WOD’s in which they take part.
We recognize CrossFit and all its local gyms for honoring the fallen. Unfortunately there are many, and there is a wait list to add more Hero WOD’s. This page lists all the Hero WOD’s, along with pictures of the fallen with short bios.

If you have pics from your JAG 28 WOD, please let us know.
The below pictures were taken at CrossFit Innovate in Tuscaloosa, AL on July 3, 2012.