On Saturday Aug 24, 2013, CrossFit Jasper incorporated a workout into a fundraiser for The Mark Forester Foundation by doing the JAG 28 Hero Workout of the Day (WOD).
They played the preview of the NatGeo Channel’s episode of Eyewitness War on Mark. Then I (Thad) was able to speak for a few minutes to let all in attendance know who Mark was, why he joined the military, how he was killed, and the history of his CrossFit WOD.
There were about 75 who participated and $1450 was raised for the foundation. We can’t thank the good folks enough who sponsored, promoted and took part in the workout. We also recognize the gym owners, Brian and Shana McMillian for putting this on. They are great Americans and proud supporters of the military.

We started out with a walk down Hwy 78 as warm up. Two American flags led the way. Our family sincerely thanks my childhood friend Kyle Eaton for organizing this event. I also couldn’t have made it through the workout without him.

Jasper’s newspaper, Daily Mountain Eagle, wrote an excellent article on this fundraiser and workout.
Here is the workout:
For time-
Run 800 meters
28 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
28 Strict Pull-ups
28 Kettlebell clean and jerk, 2 pood each
28 Strict Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Mark loved pull-ups and kettle bells. The pull-ups are “strict” because Mark never did anything half-way. We know many CrossFit gyms across the country have done the JAG 28 Hero WOD and we hope many more will do it regularly.