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“Dear God, I wish I could have been on one of those planes. Maybe I could have made a difference.” (spoken by the sheepdogs; the warriors).
What do you ask the expert in the study of the psychology of killing?
Dave Grossman is the country’s #1 trainer of military and law enforcement who helps those who have to kill overcome the natural resistance to killing.
There is no safety in denial
Among the many things we discuss today are the difference between sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. Which one are you? Well he’s going to describe each one and how they respond to threatening situations. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds.
Grossman’s books are required reading for DEA, military and police units. He travels 250+ days/year as one of our nation’s leading trainers for military, law enforcement, mental health providers, and school safety organizations. He helped train mental health professionals after the Jonesboro school massacre, and he was also involved in counseling or court cases in the aftermath of the Paducah, Springfield, Littleton and Nickel Mines Amish school massacres.
Our kids have been taught to blow brains out and get points
Yes, we even talk about the effects of violence on TV and in video games, especially in very young children. Feed our youngsters virtuous info and images, then once they are more mature, it’s okay to see some violence. Don’t take a 5-year-old to see “Saving Private Ryan” for heaven’s sake.
Sleep deprivation
He also gives staggering statistics regarding the effects of sleep deprivation in everyone – young and old. Don’t let your kids go to bed with their phones/devices. And we adults shouldn’t either. He will explain a few reasons why.
Veteran’s health
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is also very passionate about our veteran’s health and the anti-war smear of our veterans by the media. PTSD is treatable! And survival guilt is normal. It’s not PTSD. For those with PTSD, don’t let it stop you from getting better. Grossman provides an example from a very well-known veteran.
Every day carry (EDC)
We even talk about being prepared with tools to protect us, our families, and others. He said, “I’d rather walk out the door naked and alone than to be with my loved ones without the tools to protect us.”
My conversation with this Army Ranger, paratrooper and former West Point Psychology Professor blew me away. He’s a dynamic speaker who uses facts, passion, and common sense.
Learn more about Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, his books and academy here:
Grossman Academy
On Combat
On Killing (perennial bestseller)
Stop Teaching our Kids to Kill
Warrior Mindset: Mental Toughness Skills for our Nation’s Peacekeepers
Sheepdogs – Meet our Nation’s Warriors (children’s book)
Why Mommy Carries a Gun, American Sheepdogs (children’s book)
Copyright 2017 Thad Forester
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