We will be at Wal-Mart in Haleyville Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 9 am to 1 pm selling Mark’s biography.
Sales price: $15 each, paperback only. (Hardbacks aren’t in stock yet, but are available for purchase on Amazon.com.)
You can have your book signed by the author (Thad) if desired. If you purchased a book earlier, you’re welcome to bring it for the author’s signature also.
100% of the sales will go to The Mark Forester Foundation.
Below is the front and back covers of the book.
Here is an excerpt from the book, shared by Marine F/A-18 pilot LtCol Frank Latt:
…As soon as I contacted him [Mark], I could tell things were serious
because I could hear the gunfire in the background over the
radio. He didn’t waste any time telling me what he wanted as he
bypassed the standard check in protocol. He told me he needed
an immediate show of force up the river valley north to south at
500 feet and 500 knots. He told me he was under accurate fire and
needed me to quiet the guns while he worked up a target for me
…I began maneuvering to the north for my show of force, but before
I started descending, I innocently asked Mark, “Is there anybody
below me? Do you need me to contact the airspace controller and
clear the airspace or can you do that yourself?” Without any delay
and with the firmness of Patton, yet with perfect Southern tact he
retorted, “Vivid 22, I am the controlling JTAC in a troops in contact
situation—I own the battle space from the surface to the moon, I
cleared you for a show of force 500 feet, 500 knots and I need it
NOW. Questions???!”
This squadron commander knows when he’s been schooled and
commenced an immediate split-S (pure vertical nose low dive)
for the requested fly by. Mark had left no doubt that he was in
charge and that he was a highly competent professional. From
that moment on, I never questioned Jaguar 28 or hesitated with
him again. I assure you I didn’t give this same treatment to other
JTACs who didn’t earn my unquestioning respect.
We teamed up with the VFW, as they accepted donations and had a Buddy Poppy Drive. In February 1924, the VFW registered the name “Buddy Poppy” with the U.S. Patent Office. A certificate was issued on May 20, 1924, granting the VFW all trademark rights in the name of Buddy under the classification of artificial flowers. The VFW has made that trademark a guarantee that all poppies bearing that name and the VFW label are genuine products of the work of disabled and needy veterans. No other organization, firm or individual can legally use the name “Buddy Poppy.”
Today, VFW Buddy Poppies are still assembled by disabled and needy veterans in VA Hospitals.
Pictured below is Dwight Thomas of the Haleyville VFW. He has been actively involved in the VFW for as long as I can remember. He’s also been a big support to our family and The Mark Forester Foundation.