In October 2011, we posted about the charge to “Honor the Heroes”. We asked for stories for how you do or will Honor the Heroes. Rocky Mountain Mattress has followed this charge and partnered with The Mark Forester Foundation to provide a $1000 college scholarship to the winner of the patriotic-themed “Honor the Heroes” essay contest. Any student who will be enrolled in college during the 2013 calendar year is eligible to enter the scholarship contest.
To learn more about this scholarship opportunity and details, read the press release HERE.
Rocky Mountain Mattress will write the $1000.00 check to any college or university in the country so no matter where you live please do not hesitate to enter the contest. It would also be great to make more schools aware of the scholarship so that they can announce it to their students. So, if you know someone who works at a college or university please encourage them to announce the scholarship through their school’s financial aid or scholarship webpage.
We thank Rocky Mountain Mattress for their support of Mark’s foundation and for answering the call to Honor the Heroes.
This does not take the place of The Mark Forester Price of Freedom Scholarship that is awarded each year to a Haleyville High School student. This is for any student in the country.